Změň is a one-shop place providing Prague citizens with a fast and simple way of how to forward their ideas and proposals with regard to transport to the municipal authority and subordinate organizations.
Status and scope of the Sustainable Mobility Plan for Prague and its Suburbs
The Sustainable Mobility Plan is being drawn up for Prague as such and for the “metropolitan area” – part of the Central Bohemian Region around the Capital City. Its objective is to provide a medium-term conceptual and strategic solution for the transport system as a whole in accordance with the principles of sustainable mobility, based on EU documents: the Action Plan on Urban Mobility (2009) and White Paper: Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area – Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system (2011).
The Mobility Plan elaborates the Strategic Plan of the Capital City of Prague for the area of transport and complies with the parameters of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP). After its approval in the Council and the Assembly of the Capital City of Prague, it became the main strategic document in the area of transport for the Capital City of Prague with an overlap to the Central Bohemian Region. It thus replaced the Transport Policy Principles (approved by Resolution of the Municipal Assembly of the Capital City of Prague No. 13/21 of 11 January 1996).